Alan Stannett BSc MIAgrM
has 30 years experience of farm management and consultancy in areas from Devon to Perth, and was Farms Manager at Buccleuch Estates, Thornhill from 1984 to 2001. He has extensive practical experience of all livestock and arable enterprises, as well as valuations, project design and diversification.

Dr. Stewart Jamieson BSc
runs 300 pedigree Holsteins on the family dairy farm at Kirkland, Thornhill, which is currently in organic conversion. Following his PhD at the Grassland Research Institute at Hurley, he has a particular interest in grassland management.

Sandy Forsyth NDA
runs Scotch Mule and Blackface ewes as well as a suckler beef herd on his 600 ha hill and upland farm at Bennan, Thornhill, part of which is organic. His specialist area of knowledge is hill and upland matters.


John Rome NDA
farms 500 hectares at Ingleston, Dumfries and Kirkbog, Thornhill, with 500 dairy cows in three units. He has extensive knowledge of dairy herd management, nutrition and breeding. He is also a partner in Dalgarnock Pigs.

Ronnie Cox BSc
has spent 30 years farming in subtropical Africa with the Commonwealth Development Corporation. He has particular experience of marketing initiatives involving products such as milk, coffee and tea. He has specialist knowledge of dam building and irrigation.

Janet Marshall MA MIAgSA
has been a farm secretary throughout the UK and has expert knowledge of Farmplan accounts, cattle management and cropping programmes. She has also developed customised record-keeping systems to suit individual farmers' requirements.